Eversource/UI Charging Incentives – Program Updates

New Webinars Announced for Program Updates

The incentive program from the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) that is administered through the state’s two largest utilities, Eversource and United Illuminating gets evaluated every year. Since the program has started, there have been some modifications introduced at the beginning of each year.

Eversource and UI have announced webinars to explain the changes for 2024. The webinar for residential is on Wednesday, Oct. 25th, and for commercial, it is Monday, Oct. 30th. Registration links below.

  • EV charging programs for single family homes
  • EV charging programs for business, communities and large multifamily residences

The residential program offers an incentive of up to $500 toward the purchase of a 240 volt charging station and up to $500 toward offsetting the installation cost involved in bringing a 240 volt line from the panel to the garage. There is also a managed charging component, which pays consumers for allowing the utility to throttle charging during peak demand periods. If one takes the incentive for the hardware, participation in the managed charging is mandatory. It is most likely that any upcoming changes will have to do with the managed charging component of the program. It is possible there will be some new approved equipment.

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