Low Emissions Plus a Storm Makes for a Perfect Storm for Air Quality

The photo above of the Hartford area air quality, with readings of zero, means that in order to have cleaner air, you’d have to live on the moon. Air quality was already hugely improved as a result of the COVID related lockdown which has shuttered industry and greatly lessened traffic volume. Add to that a storm system that moved through the area yesterday, followed by high winds today, and we now have a “breathe deeply” moment.

As we have said in previous posts, we have an opportunity as a society, to implement measures going forward to maintain this level of air quality.

Below is Fairfield County. Not quite perfect, but close.

Fairfield County Air Quality May 9, 2020
Air Quality Reading from PurpleAir.com

For comparisons to what air quality typically is in recent years in this area, which ain’t great, see our earlier post. It contains historical images from PurpleAir and NASA.

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