
Northeast Electric Vehicle Symposium Recap

Daphne Dixon, Paul Wessel, Analiese Mione, Barry Kresch, Bruce Becker, Paul Braren at Northeast Electric Vehicle Summit at Hotel Marcel

Photo at top taken under one of the solar canopies at the Hotel Marcel with the building in the background, from left to right: Daphne Dixon – Live Green CT, Paul Wessel – Greater New … Read more

Demand Charges – The Silent Killer

Demand Charges - EV Charger

Utility Demand Charges Keep Level 3 Charging Stations Dark We have quite a few posts addressing range-anxiety in its various forms. Even though most EVs have enough range to get you through your typical day, … Read more

Free of Charge

Volta DCFC Charging Station

As in charging your EV for free! As reported in Elecktrek, the charging station company, Volta, announced the upcoming installation of 150 level 3 DC fast-charging stations nationally with no fee-charging for the first 30 … Read more