EV Owners Wanted for Energy Expo

2023 CT Energy Expo in Hartford

This event, the 2023 Energy Expo, will take place on October 19-21, 2023 at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.  The Expo, which is free to the public, is structured to be like a home and garden show, car show, boat show, etc. and will be three days of exhibitors presenting renewable energy, energy efficiency, home improvements, and electric vehicles/alternative fuel vehicles.

EV Owners Wanted

Those organizing the expo have invited members of the EV Club of CT (well, any EV owners) to exhibit their cars in the outdoor expo lot. Club members exhibiting their vehicles do not pay an exhibitor fee.  You can exhibit for any or all of the 3 days of the event.

You have to commit for a full day for each day you exhibit. You would need to commit to get the car to the Connecticut Convention Center by 10 AM on October 19, or 8 AM on October 20 or 21, and if you need to leave, you will have to do so after 6 PM each day.  If you want to exhibit for two or all three days, you can leave the car overnight – you are not required to move it, but if you need to, it just has to be after 6 PM.  You can stay onsite to talk about your vehicle during the day, or you can leave it and come back to get it at the end of the day. You are welcome to spend time in the Expo.

As far as other vehicles, as part of the indoor expo there will be 2 new BMWs, 2 new Mercedes, 1 new Mini, 1 new Moke, and 1 new golf cart (along with our friends from Inductive Autoworks displaying a conversion vehicle).  And outside (where you would be exhibiting), there will be an interactive mobile unit displaying energy efficiency solutions, an electric city bus (from DOT), 2 electric boats, electric scooters, and an electric freight (semi) truck.


The Expo is being produced by the CT Power & Energy Society (CPES). If you would like to participate, please contact CPES president, Alex Judd, directly at ajudd@daypitney.com or 202-494-2299.

2023 Energy Expo Flyer


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