
EV Showcase at 2019 STEAMFest

The EV Club staged a small showcase at a well-attended event called STEAMFest, presented by Sustainne with (and at) Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport. This event covered numerous topics related to energy efficiency, zero-waste, raising … Read more

EV Club at Maker Faire Westport

EV Club CT Exhibit at Maker Faire

The glimmer of blue sky in the photo was a brief break in the otherwise cloudy, cold, and windy spring day on which the 8th annual Westport Maker Faire was held.   The EV club … Read more

R.I.P. Volt

Gen 1 and Gen 2 Chevy Volts

Goodbye, Volt There are lots of sad (and angry) looking emojis in the very active Facebook community of Chevrolet Volt owners. It’s official: the Volt will soon pass into history. General Motors announced a round of cuts … Read more