WNBC Comes to Town to See the Police Model 3


WNBC-TV, New York, sent a news crew at the crack of dawn on Feb 5 to video the Police Model 3 Vehicle and speak to Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe.

The station’s news personnel arrived before sunrise, making the lights on the Model 3 seem that much more dramatic. They spoke with the police and First Selectman Jim Marpe about the town’s thinking behind the pioneering decision to incorporate a Model 3 into the police patrol car fleet. This was organized with the help of Sustainable Westport.

Tesla Model 3 and WNBC videographer
Crew Videos the Model 3 Cruiser

Tesla Model 3 Police Vehicle being filmed by WNBC News


Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe being interviewed by WNBC
Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe being interviewed about the Police Model 3

This is the link to the WNBC website for the report.

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