EV Club Supplies Vehicles for Wilton First Responder Training

EV Training for Wilton Fire Department First Responders

There are 25,444 EVs in registered in the state out of roughly 2.2 million passenger vehicles but all signs point to an accelerating rate of adoption, especially once we get through the chip shortage, supply-chain issues, and there is more readily available supply. This is the time to start moving up the learning curve to be able to properly respond when they are involved in accidents. Fire departments around the state have recognized this.

The EV Club was happy to help out with first responder training by bringing vehicles for the fire department to learn about and inspect. The instructor, Jason Emery, is pictured in the photo at the top of the post (third from the left) with one of the vehicles, a Rivian R1T, members of the fire department, and Analiese Mione (third from right) and Barry Kresch (leftmost) of the EV Club. Jason explained how the charging works, where to find the high voltage cables (in case it becomes necessary to cut them in order to safely remove a vehicle occupant in an accident), the 12-volt batteries, and other EV features.

Instructor Jason Emery and Deputy Fire Chief John Plofkin, who has organized 4 days of training, are in the center of this photo.Jason Emery and Wilton Deputy Fire Chief John Plofkin


Below is the Rivian charge port, with its J1772 and CCS connectors. To its right is the high-voltage cable which is accessed via the frunk.

Rivian Charing PortRivian Frunk

The group is gathered for instructions. To the right is the information in the Rivian (with a handy QR code) for handling high voltage cables. A Chevy Volt was also inspected.

first responders learning about the RivianChevy Volt being inspected

Demetri Spantidos brings his Model X around for inspection.

Model X being used for fire department training

Dawn Henry brought her Model Y.

Tesla Model Y at Wilton FD