
Where The EVs are – Jan 2022 Edition

EVs by City and Per Capita

Barry Kresch 41% of CT EVs in Fairfield County Hartford and New Haven Counties make up the bulk of the rest. When filtered for BEVs, there is even more of a Fairfield County skew. % … Read more

Where The EVs Are – July 2021

Map EVs by City Zoomed In

Fairfield County is Home to 41% of EVs 7023 of 17,217 EVs in the state are registered in Fairfield County. The map at the top of the post shows the distribution of EVs across cities. … Read more

Dashboard – Where the EVs Are

EVs in CT by City

EVs are not uniformly distributed across the state Fairfield County has consistently tracked at around 40% of EVs in the state and is 41% in this July 1, 2020 iteration. This compares with its having … Read more