
Benefits of Workplace Charging – Upcoming Webinar

Workplace Charging

Workplace Charging – An Underappreciated Part of EV Charging Infrastructure UPDATE This program featured panelists Ryan Boggio from Clean Cities, Marriott Dowden from United Illuminating, and Catherine Duncan from the CT Green Bank. Key discussion … Read more

Time To Register For Utility Incentives

EV Charger

Registration Flow Fixes Made If you have been thinking of registering your EV or charger for the incentives offered through Eversource and United Illuminating, but have been hesitant due to reports of the not-ready-for-prime-time registration … Read more

Utility Charging Incentive Follow Up

We have been following up with the utilities on some of the outstanding questions. These are some specific items that came up at the meeting where the information was not available or incomplete. These are … Read more