Westport Police Add New Tesla Model Y

New Model Y Enters Service

The Westport Police have entered a new Tesla Model Y into service. It has been fully customized for law enforcement duty.

The department now has a subscription to Tesla-fi and we will be monitoring electricity use and battery degradation. We are in touch with the police and may look at the metrics more broadly as we did in our extensive analysis of the Model 3 which was published about 18 months ago here.

The WPD has been lean-forward with respect to EVs from the start. They have been very happy with their Teslas, which exceed the performance and safety standards required for patrol cars, and which have gotten great feedback from the officers that have used them. But they have also acquired other non-Tesla EVs for things like parking patrol, the detective squad, and school patrol. In addition to EVs, they have installed level 2 EV chargers at the two Metro-North parking areas, which are under their management. Outside of commuter hours, these chargers are open to the public. Some of them are convenient to an area where there are a lot of restaurants and shops. And a number of them are powered by a solar array that sits atop the Saugatuck depot building. The police have also been supportive of EV Club events when we have needed to use the Saugatuck parking area.

The department was recognized by the CT Southwestern Area Clean Cities Coalition for its Municipal Readiness Award. The photos below are Chief of Police, Foti Koskinas, accepting the award and a front view of the Model Y. The award ceremony was December 13th.

Westport Police Chief Foti Koskinas accepting award from CT Clean Cities CoalitionWestport Police Tesla Model Y Patrol Car


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