
CHEAPR Rebates Up as Car Sales Plummet

CHEAPR Rebates by Model by Month First Quarter 2020

First Quarter Sales Results Were Terrible for the Industry, but a Sliver of a Silver Lining for EVs The first-quarter economic data were just released and as bad as expected (GDP down 4.8%) with worse … Read more

This is What an EV World Could Be

Air Quality in Fairfield County, April 11, 2020

Coronavirus has given us clean air. EVs could, too. The photo above is from PurpleAir, which is a WiFi-connected, networked, sensor. The date is April 11, 2020. Individuals can buy these and the results are … Read more

EV Club Presentation to Go Virtual

EV Club president, Bruce Becker, will present to the Humanists and Free-Thinkers of Fairfield County This is the text of the press release describing the engagement: HFFC MOVES TO ONLINE MEETINGS – ELECTRIC CARS, APRIL … Read more

CHEAPR Update and COVID Outlook

CHEAPR Rebate Trend Through Feb 2020

CHEAPR Rebates – The Doldrums Continue Given the after-effects of the change in rebate parameters, the numbers seen in the graph were not a surprise. This information dates through the end of February, which is … Read more

Demand Charges – The Silent Killer

Demand Charges - EV Charger

Utility Demand Charges Keep Level 3 Charging Stations Dark We have quite a few posts addressing range-anxiety in its various forms. Even though most EVs have enough range to get you through your typical day, … Read more

It is the Time of Cancellations


Numerous Events Canceled If you have looked at the event calendar, it becomes very apparent that due to public health precautions, all of our EV showcase events, at least through the end of April, have … Read more

All Quiet on the Midwestern Front

Westport CT Model 3 Police Squad Car

Bargersville, Indiana, Tesla Model 3 Police Vehicle The exciting news from Indiana is that there is really no news. The Model 3 police vehicle performance is meeting or exceeding expectations. And, yes, it is quiet. … Read more

CHEAPR Update with Data Through Jan 31

CT CHEAPR EV purchase incentive rebates by month

Updated Track of CHEAPR Rebates – Data through 1/31/20 We have been keeping watch on rebate activity since the most recent change made to the CHEAPR rebate parameters, which lowered both incentives and price cap. … Read more

Westport Police Tesla – What’s Next

Westport Police Department Tesla Model 3

A Lot Had to Happen to Get Us Here The Westport Police Tesla Model 3 police cruiser is in its third week of service as of this writing. It has become an international sensation and … Read more