Park New Haven Keeps You Moving

Post by Barry Kresch

The following is from a conversation with executives of the New Haven Parking Authority (or Park New Haven, as they brand themselves) – Executive Director, Doug Hausladen, COO, Sammy Parry, and Chief Engineer, Jim Staniewicz.

We all know the need for more public charging. And is it too much to ask that the chargers be kept in good working order and the spaces policed? It was thus a pleasant surprise to come across the facilities of the New Haven Parking Authority, which is setting a great example of how to support EVs, emission-free transportation, and the community, broadly speaking.

The Authority runs 11 facilities with a total of 43 chargers. And they work. And they’re not ICEd. They have an electrician on staff who services them, as well as security that has the authority to ticket interlopers. The garage at Union Station has a handicapped EV charging space.

All of the facilities are paid garages. They charge the going rate for New Haven. There is no extra charge to charge.

The Public Utility Regulatory Agency (PURA) charging incentives are coming along at just the right time as they have plans to add 40 more charging stations. The incentives will be used to upgrade electrical service beyond what is currently needed to be ready for future installations. Also, they will offset a significant part of the cost of an installation that is currently in the design phase that will have a mix of Level 2 and Level 3 chargers, 20 ports in all, located at Orange and Elm Streets in downtown New Haven. This location will offer a discounted $3 flat rate for evenings and weekends. The idea is to be a magnet for EV drivers and support local businesses.

So why and how is the agency doing this? As an authority, they can move faster than a public agency. The commissioners to whom they report, and who they describe as very engaged and a great cross section of New Haven, are interested in a sustainability agenda.

Beyond parking, Park NH is a partner in the city bike share program and they have been awarded an $18,000 grant to start an electric cargo e-bike share. They are also looking to set up e-bike charging stations.

Finally, Park NH has their own vehicle fleet. Their first EV purchase occurred last summer – a Chevy Bolt. Plans are to turn over the entirety of the fleet to electric. If SB-4 passes, the new vehicles could potentially come with CHEAPR rebates.

This is a model that every parking authority should emulate. This is the future of parking.

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