
September CHEAPR Stats Update and Pending Vote

CHEAPR Rebates Through September 2020

Spike in Model 3 Rebates leads to Slightly Stronger Rebate Activity in September The September data were published on Friday, Oct. 30th, and show 84 rebates awarded with a $104,000 spend. Also, August was restated … Read more

Aug CHEAPR and October Vote

CHEAPR rebates through August 2020

Few CHEAPR Rebates Given in August Another tepid, desultory, underwhelming (I’m running out of adjectives – feel free to help in the comments) month for the CHEAPR program with only 40 rebates given out and … Read more

July CHEAPR Stats – Upcoming Board Meeting

CHEAPR rebates by month through July 2020

This will be the last CHEAPR post prior to the CHEAPR board meeting on Thursday, September 10. Stats Update The July stats have been published and rebate levels increased slightly over the desultory levels where … Read more

Should There Be An Incentive for E-bikes

e-bike image

An E-bike Pilot Among the suggestions offered by members of the new CHEAPR board has been a pilot project for e-bike rebates.[1] This is most strongly advocated by those who are focused on lower-income households, … Read more

Presence of CHEAPR Among Eligible New Vehicles

New EVs vs CHEAPR incentive

Whenever we have looked at CHEAPR, it has appeared to be a worthwhile program. (Our complaint is with how the parameters were changed in October 2019.) Creating a Comparison of Registered Vehicles with CHEAPR Rebates … Read more

Where Should I Buy an EV?

Federal and State of CT Incentives for EV Purchase

Data from the Center for Sustainable Energy Helps Us Identify EV-friendly Dealers We regularly field inquiries from club members and others asking for dealer recommendations. Usually, it follows a negative interaction with a dealership, when … Read more

Used EVs and CHEAPR Incentives

EVs Added to File vs Used EVs

The used car market, in general, is more than double that for new vehicles. That does not appear to be the case for EVs to this point. CHEAPR Likely to Implement Used EV Incentive in … Read more

Show us Dealership-Level Data


Dealership Data Request The club regularly gets requests for dealer recommendations. Usually, this follows a poor dealership experience. We have an informal list of some dealers that have been recommended by members, but it is … Read more