
Profile of Electric Vehicles in CT

Jan 2022 EV Count by Make in CT

Barry Kresch Interactive EV Dashboard – EV Adoption in Connecticut Note: These data are obtained via a Freedom of Information Act Request from the Department of Motor Vehicles. The data are registrations, not sales, and … Read more

EV Registrations up 55% in 2021

Registered EVs in CT - Jan 21 - Jan 22

Recovery Induced Rebound in EV Sales After a truly dismal, pandemic-influenced 2020, where EV registrations increased by an anemic 18.2%, there has been a rebound in 2021 to an increase of 54.9%. CT now has … Read more

CT Electric Vehicle Registrations Grow 36%

year over year growth in registered EVs

Post by Barry Kresch 17,217 electric vehicles are now registered in Connecticut This is a topline description of the new dataset. A more in-depth profile will be available when the EV dashboard is updated in … Read more

EV Ownership Increases 18.2% In a Difficult Year

CT EV Registraton Trend 2017-2021

DMV Releases Updated EV Registration Data There are 13,800 EVs registered in CT as of January 1, 2021, according to data released by the Department of Motor Vehicles in its statutorily required semi-annual reporting. This … Read more