
CT EV Coalition Responds to DEEP EV Roadmap

This is the text of a letter that was sent to DEEP in response to the issuance of their EV Roadmap, which was published last month. November 12, 2019 Commissioner Katie Dykes Deputy Commissioner Vickie … Read more

EV Showcase at 2019 STEAMFest

The EV Club staged a small showcase at a well-attended event called STEAMFest, presented by Sustainne with (and at) Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport. This event covered numerous topics related to energy efficiency, zero-waste, raising … Read more

CHEAPR Changes Likely to Impact the Tesla Model 3

Tesla Model 3

The Potential Impact of the Lower CHEAPR Price Cap Looking at the implication of the changes made to the CHEAPR rebate criteria on October 15, the lower price cap seems directly targeted at excluding the … Read more

A Cheaper CHEAPR


CHEAPR lowers incentives for BEVs and PHEVs, Changes MSRP Cap After this blog put up a detailed update on CHEAPR 2 weeks ago, the date at which the replenishment of funds mandated by the legislature … Read more

Free of Charge

Volta DCFC Charging Station

As in charging your EV for free! As reported in Elecktrek, the charging station company, Volta, announced the upcoming installation of 150 level 3 DC fast-charging stations nationally with no fee-charging for the first 30 … Read more

CHEAPR Replenishment


CHEAPR Update Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate, in case you were wondering, is what the acronym stands for. CHEAPR has been with us for a while now. It was passed in 2015 and … Read more

Green Wheels Expo Draws Big Crowd

Green Wheels Expo, Sustainable Fairfield

The Green Wheels Expo, one of many Drive Electric Week events being held around the country, had its strongest showing ever. Over 70 EV owners exhibited their vehicles, along with 7 dealers and Tesla who … Read more

Governor Lamont Proclamation on Drive Electric Week

Governor Lamont Proclamation on Drive Electric Week, EV Club of CT

This is the official proclamation from the office of the Governor declaring the week of September 14-22 to be Drive Electric Week and highlighting the benefits that moving to EVs will have on emission reduction … Read more