
EV Make and Model Movers

Trend by EV Make in CT, July 2021

Post by Barry Kresch Tesla Continues to Lap the Field The chart at the top of the post shows the trend of all EV makes and shows net registrations at each point in time. It … Read more

EVs by Make by City

Vehicle Make Within City Jan 2021 CT

Post by Barry Kresch Estimates of EV Fleet Composition by Make Within City This is something we haven’t published in a while. Not that we don’t find it interesting, but the DMV broke apart the … Read more

CT EV Ownership Up 16% in First Half of 2019

Interactive EV Dashboard – July 2019 Update The Department of Motor Vehicles has released its semi-annual update of EV ownership in the State of Connecticut. The update is dated July 1. The DMV only publishes … Read more

Dashboard Redux – 2019

The newest version of the Electric Vehicle Interactive Dashboard has arrived.   Highlights EV growth was strong in 2018 but there is still a very long way to go to achieve the objectives set forth in the … Read more